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Rastatt Favorite Palace
A „porcelain palace“ to rival any in Europe
Detail of the ceiling painting in the Flower Room, Rastatt Favorite Palace

Playful cherubsThe ceiling paintingin the Flower Room

The third room in Sibylla Augusta's private apartment is known as the Flower Room because of its wall decor of papier-mâché flowers. But in addition to the flowers, the porcelain also plays a special role in this room. Just glance up at the ceiling.

Visitors in the Flower Room, Rastatt Favorite Palace

Fascinating: the Flower Room.

Painted plates, vases, pots

Porcelain was everywhere in the palace, especially in the Flower Room. But it wasn't just presented on the mantelpiece; it was also on the ceiling, albeit only painted on. On tiered shelves, an unknown artist arranged several vessels, like actual ceramics in a cabinet or on a sideboard. On display are blue and white plates, pots, and colorful “koppchen,” a kind of drinking bowl without handles, and a large vase on a console. 

Detail of the ceiling painting in the Flower Room, Rastatt Favorite Palace

Winged cherubs in an imaginary heavens.

Cherubs playing with porcelain

The highlight of the painting: Winged cherubs in an imaginary heavens play with fragile ceramics. One of the angels has hold of a brown vase, perhaps Chinese stoneware. Another holds several blue and white plates in its hands and is throwing them down! Ceramics that are known to have been part of Sibylla Augusta's collection are also included on the ceiling in the antechamber, which was also used as a dining hall.

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